because the work should align with the enterprise strategy. Good strategy should help us decide what is most important, it helps us make investments behind what we say is most important. Good strategy is built on best practices derived from research and data - and for too long, DEI has been framed as anything but strategic.
because the work is about improving organizational functions, systems, processes, and policies rather than community organizing outside of the organization or through an exclusive focus on mindset or awareness efforts.
Diversity is the mere presence of difference (especially as it relates to protected class identities in a workplace); Inclusion is about opportunities for engagement and collaboration of differences; and Equity is about access and the distribution of power to ensure Diversity and Inclusion are structurally valued.
because leaders must be able to communicate the strategy and metrics, but they must also facilitate the execution and demonstrate meaningful progress and lasting change like any other vital function in an organization.
SIDEIM Centers Three Distinct Fields:
The field of business management seeks to scientifically derive principles about the relationship between people, product/service, and process in order to drive successful outcomes (profitability is understood as the central desired outcome); this analysis relies on a variety of sub-fields (accounting, marketing, human resources, etc.).
The field of social science is chiefly concerned with measuring and understanding people, culture, and social phenomena (like power and resultant conflict or cooperation) at various levels (individual, interpersonal, groups, institutions, and societal systems); this analysis also relies on a variety of sub-fields (political science, sociology, history, psychology, etc.).
The field of legal research and practice is concerned with constructing and realizing philosophical notions of justice, fairness, equality, and equity under the rule of law developed through court rulings (precedence) and legislation.
Exploring the Intersections
People Process Innovation
SIDEIM offers principles and standards to evaluate an organization's commitment to excellence and equity demonstrated through its policy and practices that impact people.
Organizational innovation around culture and climate (the roof) should be guided by research and data (the arrow) and be centered on institutional policies and practices (the pillars) that structure the key interactions amongst people.
Swipe below to see definitions of the various components.